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Break the Cycle of Negative Thinking with Tamara Taggart

Break the Cycle of Negative Thinking with Tamara Taggart

One of the biggest challenges I see today is the tendency for individuals to ruminate on negative events in their lives. My favorite saying is, "where attention goes, energy flows." This powerful statement encapsulates the impact of focus in shaping our realities. Our subconscious minds record everything we experience, speak, watch, listen to, and think about. Studies have shown that the mind cannot distinguish between a thought and what is actually happening in reality. This means that what we choose to focus on, especially with intense emotions such as anger or joy, inevitably shapes our experiences and perceptions.

By breaking free from autopilot living and actively directing our attention towards our intentions, sources of gratitude, and the goals we wish to achieve, we can regain control over our lives. Instead of allowing negative experiences to dominate our thoughts, we can choose to focus on positive, uplifting aspects, thereby transforming our mindset and ultimately our reality. This shift in focus not only enhances our mental and emotional well-being but also empowers us to live more fulfilling and purposeful lives.

When you think a thought, your subconscious interprets it as a request for more of that very thing you constantly think about. Take a moment to mentally note all the negative thoughts you have throughout the day. Are you arguing with someone in your mind, telling yourself you're not good enough, or that you don't deserve "fill in the blank"? Your powerful and obedient subconscious mind is listening to it all and is shaping your world to create more circumstances that will perpetuate those thoughts.

One of the most transformative practices I share with my clients is cultivating gratitude. Gratitude can instantly shift your thoughts and attitude. By consciously focusing on what you are grateful for, you redirect your energy towards positive aspects of your life. This not only disrupts the cycle of negative thinking but also invites more positive experiences into your reality. Embracing gratitude helps you break free from the patterns of negative rumination and empowers you to live a more fulfilled and intentional life. Remember you get to decide what thoughts take up space in your mind.



Tamara Taggart is a licensed therapist at Beyond Hypnosis, dedicated to helping individuals live fulfilling lives by empowering them to step into their personal power.


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